Pastor Carol Satcher
Pastor Satcher is a native of Georgia. She is the wife of Deacon Juan Satcher. They have three daughters and five grandchildren.
Pastor Satcher is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Household of Faith Ministries Int’l, Inc. in Jonesboro, GA. As a lighthouse to the community, souls are being saved, lives are being transformed, and disciples for Christ are being made.
While simultaneously serving the citizens of Georgia as a State employee, Pastor Satcher’s heart has been an opened door for God to bridge the gap between the secular and sacred through leadership, spiritual guidance and faith base training. Pastor Satcher earned her Associates Degree in Business Administration from Massey Business College. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies from Beulah Heights University and earned her MBA in Human Resources from Liberty University.
Pastor Satcher’s commitment to the work of the ministry can be best described by referring to a quote from the late C. T. Studd, “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.”